Hellingly Hospital - The East Sussex Mental Institution.

Hellingly Hospital - The East Sussex Mental Institution.
Hellingly, a Victorian hospital on a grand scale. Conceived in 1897, with landscaped surroundings high on a hill with therapeutic views across the countryside. An enclosed community, providing for itself...patients and staff lives exisiting in familiar corridors and buildings.
Closed down in the eary 1990's and left decaying ever since.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Nurse remembers

The Staff and patients at Hellingly
1988-90 Student Psychiatric Nurse

"great time of my life, spent mostly in an old mental hospital in a tiny Sussex village. The highlights from this period were the friends I made, as we were all in the same boat (stuck in the middle of no-where with no money!). Most nights spent getting drunk in the staff socail club. Hellingly hospital has closed down now (it was in the process of closing down through out my training there), but in it's time was one of the more innovative psychiatric hospitals. I learned to drive in the vast grounds which saved a fortune in driving lessons"

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